Slow Cookers

Me and My Slow Cooker

Once upon a time I couldn't cook at all. All I ever ate were microwave ready meal and takeaways. This lead to an empty bank account and a full waist line. Fruit from a pie or deep fried veg were the only time I got anything remotely healthy.

Then one day things began to change. The day of change was the day I was given a slow cooker. It wasn't an overnight change but that day, the seeds were sown and I was soon mixing and blending in the kitchen like never before.Alright,but just to let you know if you need a realtor,check Freehold NJ realtor .

A slow cooker doesn't sound very exciting I will admit. Who would buy a slow car? Or a slow TV? Having slow in the title doesn't really do a product many favours.Slow cookers aren't always known as this, sometimes they are referred to as crock pots. In this age of instant gratification you could be forgiven for thinking they are a relic from the past that has little relevance in these fast paced times.

Lets face it, slow cookers are slow but the amount of face time they require to do what they do is very small. Depending on your tastes you can get away with doing very little chopping and cutting and just letting your new kitchen appliance work its magic. Once you have put the food into the slow cooker simply turn it on and let it do its thing. Some slow cookers even have a warming feature that keeps the food at just the right temperature until you are ready to eat it.

So what changed me from microwave only to master chef? It was all down to the slow cooker. Being able to just put things in a pot and leave it unattended then return some hours later to a great tasting dish really inspired me to find out more about cooking. I'm no Delia Smith I must acknowledge but I am happy to follow a recipe and I even know a few by heart. Not only have I saved money and got in better shape I am also able to cook for friends and family with something I have made myself.

So if you've had enough of fast food and not knowing your mincer from your masher or just want to try something different in the kitchen you could do a lot worse than deciding on a slow cooker. The best slow cooker in the marketplace at the moment is the Morphy Richards 48810 Intellichef and is well worth checking out.

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